Thursday, May 12, 2016

Rosemary Crackers

You know that the Wrights have a thing for rosemary, so it caught my eye when I saw the recipe for these. (Unfortunately, I neglected to note where I got it. Whoops!) We think they taste great! They're similar to wheat thins, but they don't have any sweetener so the flavor is a bit different. And the best thing about them: they're so easy! I'd never tried making my own crackers before. Now I want to try more...

Also, if you're not big on rosemary, you could try a different herb that you like.

Rosemary Crackers
2 c. flour (I do half wheat, half white)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2/3 c. warm water
1/2-1 T. dried crushed rosemary (we use 1 T.)
1/3 c. olive oil
Kosher salt, for sprinkling

Heat oven to 400.

Combine the dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Add the wet ingredients and mix until a thick dough forms. (The original recipe said to knead it, but mine wasn't thick enough). Let rest for 5-10 minutes.

Meanwhile, grease two large cookie sheets. Divide dough into 2 equal parts and roll onto the cookie sheets, all the way to the edges. Try to make sure you get it evenly spread so it will cook evenly.

Sprinkle lightly with salt and use a pizza cutter to score into squares. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until crackers are lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.

Store in an airtight container. If you live in a humid place you can sprinkle some dry rice on the bottom of the container to help keep them crisp. Mine stayed perfectly crisp without it in our dry state though!

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